Samira da Silva is a German student of Business Engineering and Transport Economics who is looking forward to learn Portuguese and get to know more about Brazilian culture. She is going to participate of our internship program being an intern at “Já Entendi”, a company of education intelligence which develops video-training for companies and schools.
We met Samira to know more about her first impressions about Brazil. Here you can check our interview with the student:
Be: Why did you choose to come to Brazil for an exchange program?
To improve my Portuguese, learn more about new cultures, especially the Brazilian one and because I already knew Brazilians before my stay in Brazil
Be: What is the main reason you choose to go on exchange?
To handle with an unusual situation, gain more self-confidence and mainly progress of myself.
Be: What are your goals with this experience? If we met at the end of your stay, which achievements would you like to tell your friends you had.
I would like to talk about how is the work with a Brazilian company, how are the relations with the staff, the togetherness there and, of course, how are the “Brazilians”, what are the differences etc.
Be: How do you feel today that you are starting this experience? Can you describe your feelings?
Excited, curious, happy, even so relaxed, because “Já Entendi” seems to be a very nice company with a young staff.