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Study Abroad – FAQ

  • Do I need a visa to study in Brazil? How can I arrange that?

The requirement of the visa in Brazil is based on the principle of reciprocal treatment and applies to countries that require a visa from Brazilians to visit their territories. However, that depends on how long you plan to stay in Brazil, the country you are from and what type of visa will you need for the program, since the tourist visa is valid for stay of up to 90 days and doesn’t allow foreigners to work. You should always check the Brazilian consulate in your country to arrange a visa and get more detailed information.

  • How is my host family selected?

All host families Brazilian Experience works with are families who applied for the experience and have great interest in receiving a foreigner into their home. After the family applies, they go through and interview and a home visit to make sure they are within the proper conditions to receive the exchange student. Once the student decides to participate on the program, we look for the family we believe that would fit the best with the student and the program he will de doing.

  • How much money should I bring? How do I deal with my banking while in Brazil?

You shouldn’t bring much cash. Brazil has many banks that accept international cards and virtually all businesses accept all major bankcards. It’s best for you to come with at least 50-70 Reals (Brazilian currency) for your intiall days.



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Skype: brazilianexperience
E-mail: info@brazilianexperience.com.br

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