If you are traveling soon, it’s possible that you are feeling a lot of excitement for the new experience and idealizing it, but, while abroad, besides discovering different things, there will be situations that will expose you to hard moments, test your courage and resilience.
One of the challenges of being abroad is dealing with the feeling of loneliness and lack of support. Those things cross your path eventually at a foreign country. Be patient! You will surely overcome it while getting to know new people and making real bonds that will be similar as the ones from your home country. But, while those things don’t happen, you can prepare yourself by getting involved with a few activities.
We selected a few tips so you don’t get desperate or unprepared for those moments.
Find activities for yourself
It can be sports activities or more travelling plans, as long as you don’t lock yourself inside a room. These kind of plans can help you a lot in your mood and not missing home.
Go to different events
Sometimes it’s very hard to go out alone, but you will only have a full experience and get to know new people if you put yourself out there! People needs people, so don’t waste time being sad on your own, go meet the natives and have a mind blowing experience.
Create a personal routine and follow it!
Planning your days and keeping the next steps visual is one way of reducing anxiety and optimising your time abroad as well as helping you on your productivity.
This experience is only temporary, so… enjoy it.
You never know when you will be able to come back at your destination country… so this is the time for you not only know your abilities and developing yourself, but also to get to know the culture itself. If there is a special moment to live adventures this is the time for it.
Have you started packing yet! Count on us for an amazing Brazilian Experience!
Tags: #exchangeabroad, #goabroad, be, brazil, brazilianculture, brazilianexperience, brazilianlife, brazilianportuguese, businessinbrazil, changetheworld, culture, cultureexchange, curitiba, exchangeinbrazil, exchangestudent, experience, explore, fun, gapyear, helpbrazil, home, homesickness, internabroad, interninbrazil, interninginbrazil, internship, internshipabroad, internshipinbrazil, internsinbrazil, learnportuguese, lifeinbrazil, livinginbrazil, rio, studyinbrazil, travel, travelabroad, traveltobrazil, traveltolearn, volunteer