Anna is a 25 years old Finnish environmental engineer. She was an intern at an NGO called Elo Apoio Social e Ambiental, that develops social and environmental projects. She lived in Curitiba during 3 months between July until September. Throughout her exchange in Brazil, Anna taught English to young learners, planned in conjunction with ELO team new actions aiming at the institution´s sustainability and participated in various events and workshops on this topic.
We were very pleased with the feedback we received from Anna regarding their experience here in Brazil. Checked it out:
“This internship gave me valuable contacts and I met inspiring people. I had the opportunity to attend workshops and seminars and I liked very much. I had a great time at ELO organization and for me it was a golden opportunity to plan and teach English to the teenagers. All in all a great opportunity in my personal and professional life.
It was awesome three months in Brazil and this was the best way to get to know local and international people, culture and see different places.
Muito obrigada! Thank you for your help and support during the internship!”