It is known that cars needs to have some fuel to work. Gasoline used to be the only fuel, but nowadays there is many alternative fuels, such as ethanol, diesel, bio-diesel, and others. We will precisely talk about sugarcane ethanol because it is the most relevant one for our economy!
Today we will talk about this very important component for our economy and daily life here in Brazil. Check it out:
Sugarcane ethanol is an alcohol-based fuel produced by the fermentation of sugarcane juice and molasses. This type of ethanol became very popular in Brazil because it is very affordable and contains low-carbon bio-fuel which makes it a clean alcohol. Nowadays, Brazil is the world’s second largest producer of ethanol fuel and United States is the largest producer. Together, both countries produces around 85% of the world’s production. But when it comes to Sugarcane ethanol, Brazil is the world’s largest producer and a pioneer in using ethanol as a motor fuel and home to one of the most important renewable energy programs in the world.
The Sugarcane ethanol can be used in two ways: Blended with Gasoline (all gasoline used in our country contains ethanol) and pure. The benefits of using this ethanol includes:
– Reduction of air pollution because it adds oxygen to gasoline
– Reduction of Gas Emissions: Ethanol itself cuts carbon dioxide emissions by 90 percent on average which is better than any other liquid bio-fuel
– Reduction of global dependence on oil
Brazil is considered to have the world’s first sustainable bio-fuels economy and the bio-fuel industry leader, a policy model for other countries and it has achieved d greater energy security thanks to its focused commitment to developing a competitive sugarcane industry and making ethanol a key part of its energy mix. Our country has reached really good indices replacing almost 50% of its gasoline with local sugarcane ethanol which made Brazil as a relevant study case for other countries that are looking forward to use renewable fuels.
We are very proud to see our country creating a program that has made huge strides during the last decades, showing strong signs of sustainability and helping the planet to became a cleaner place! 🙂