Have you ever tried to read a Brazilian book but because they were in Portuguese you couldn’t do it? Don’t you worry! Here is a list for you: Top10 Brazilian Books in English. You can find all these books on Amazon.
Check it out:
1-Iracema – José de Alencar
A short romance that tells a story love of a Portuguese colonist with a pretty native Indian and at the same time, metaphorically tells about origins of Brazil .
2- City of God – Paulo Lins and Alison Entrekin
This novel shows a Brazil’s dark side involving gangs, brutalities, drugs and money in one of the largest slums in Rio de Janeiro.
3- Father of the Poor? – Robert M. Levine
A certain kind of inspection of Getulio Varga’s life, a Brazilian politician that through his legacy and actions had a huge influence in Brazilian people’s life
4- The Accidental President of Brazil – Fernando Henrique Cardoso
An insight about Brazilian’s politics written by one important Brazilian Politician that also writes reflections about family, friends and country.
5-Dom Casmurro – Machado de Assis
A masterpiece of Brazilian’s literature, it is a classical about love and jealousy where the protagonist believes his son with his childhood love is actually not his son, but in fact his best friend’s son.
6- The Alchemist – Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho’s masterpiece is an enchanted story about an Spanish shepherd boy who wants to discover a fascinating worldly treasure.
7- The Brazilian people – Darcy Ribeiro
A well detailed overview about many aspects as race, ethnic and social forces that shapes Brazilian culture and society.
8- Barren Lives – Graciliano Ramos
A classic novel written in cyclical manner about a family living in the poverty stricken in Brazilian northeast region.
9- Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands – Jorge Amado
A extensive prospect of life in one of the biggest northeastern cities, Salvador. This novel explores social mores and some chaotic aspects about life in Brazil
10- The hour of the Star – Clarice Lispector
It tells the story of a Northern dactylographic woman who moves to Rio. The book is about the adventures of a dreamer woman who has a life without emotions.
“Brazil does book as well as football” The Guardian
Tags: barrenlives, book, books, booksinenglish, brazil, brazilian, brazilianbooksinenglish, brazilianculture, brazilianlife, brazilianliterature, brazilians, brazilianswriters, cityofgod, cityofmen, claricelispector, culture, fatherofthepoor, iracema, josedealencar, lecture, literature, machadodeassis, paulocoelho, portuguese, portugueselanguage, read, reading, thebrazilianpeople, theguardian, writer