Foreigners holding a student / intern visa are required to register in the Federal Police and apply for a foreigner ID, called Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório (CRNM). Once you leave the country the ID or protocol will be required and if it’s not presented you might need to pay a fine, fine (minimum amount of R$ 100.00 (one hundred reais) and the maximum amount of ten thousand reais (R$ 10,000.00), according to the Art. 301, from the DECREE No. 9,199, OF NOVEMBER 20, 2017.
To get your Foreigner ID, after obtaining the student/intern visa in your home country, you must follow the procedures below. The website registration must be done within 30 days of your arrival and then you will have to go to the Federal Police on a scheduled date to take all the necessary documents. The personal appointment will generally be later than 30 days and in case you cannot schedule one for a date before you depart, make sure to visit the Federal Police a couple days before you leave.
INSTRUCTIONS TO GET YOUR CRNM(Carteira Registro Nacional Migratório or Foreigner ID) IN THE FEDERAL POLICE
1- Visit the Federal Police website and complete the Registration form
To complete the registration form, please select the language of your preference and click “Mudar Idioma” (equal change language).
In the field “Main occupation”, type “estudante” and select.
Once you finish this process, it will generate a form. Make sure to print it. If you cannot print it immediately, save it in pdf to print it later.
2- Visit the Federal Police website and complete the Guia de Recolhimento da União – GRU, you will have to do it twice, as there are two invoices to be paid. Please follow the instructions below:
To complete the GRU:
Fill in with your personal details:
Nome: complete name
CEP: Brazilian postal code
Endereço: Brazilian Street and number
Bairro: neighborhood
Cidade: city
País de nacionalidade: nationality
Nome da mãe: Mother’s name
Nome do pai: Father’s name
In the gap “Unidade Arrecadadora”, select “PR 018-3 (Superintendência Regional do Estado do Paraná)”
In the gap “Código da Receita STN” select as follows:
– 140120 – Code for Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório (R$ 204,77).
Then click “Gerar” and print the bill. If you cannot print it, save it in pdf to print it later.
3- You must pay this bill in any bank agency (stay tuned to the payment deadline). It must be paid prior to your appointment at the Federal Police. Make sure to keep the payment slip.
– Carteira de Registro Nacional Migratório (R$ 204,77).
4- Schedule your appointment at the Federal Police on the website.
Change your language as you did before.
On this page, you will need to inform the “Código de Solicitação” which is written at the top of your registration protocol. See below:
5- On the date scheduled and with the bill paid, you must go to the address below as scheduled. Dress properly.
Federal Police – Paraná state
Address: R. Professora Sandália Monzon, 210 – Santa Cândida – Curitiba
Telephone: +55 (41) 3251-7524
It’s walking distance from Santa Cândida Terminal, you can check for the best bus options on Google maps.
Federal Police – Minas Gerais state
Address: R. Francisco Deslandes, 900 – Anchieta, Belo Horizonte
Telephone: +55 (41) 2517-9900
Further info or for other locations: http://www.dpf.gov.br/
At this place, you will need the following documents:
– Valid original passport;
– Birth certificate or marriage certificate if in the passport doesn’t have the parents name;
– Copy of your registration protocol
– Original visa application obtained in your home country;
– Proof of payment of the tax mentioned on item 2.
– Criminal records of the last 5 years or declaration of no criminal records, in any country, in the last 5 years.
– Documents that prove financial capacity (student’s or legal responsible’s) of covering costs during the students stay in Brazil or document that proves scholarship;
– TCE agreement or volunteer agreement;
– A document that proves the student is enrolled in an educational institution abroad;
– Declaration of electronic address handwritten in Portuguese. In order to facilitate, check the images below:
– 2 recent 3cmX4cm face pictures, colorful, white background, no date;
Attention: The size on the photograph is in centimeters, make sure your picture is the right size and not the passport size.
Please note you won´t be able to register if any of those documents are missing. So make sure to have everything with you.
After having all your documents reviewed, the attendant will get your fingerprints. You will receive a protocol which will serve as proof of your legal stay in the country. The official CRNM normally takes over 3 months to be delivered at your address, so make sure to keep the protocol in a safe place, as it will be required at the airport once you leave the country.