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Dealing with anxiety

We all experience moments of anxiety. For multiple reasons, but the feeling is there, making us worried about a future we cannot control.

Post anxiety edited


Uncertainty makes us anxious. Could not find a better moment to talk about it. Covid-19 physical health impact is huge, and so are the mental effects of it.


Working with Cultural Exchange for many years, we have a Toolbox full of activities to support our students. Living abroad can be challenging. You are experiencing a new environment, often immersed in a new language, trying new tastes and learning how to navigate in a completely new place on your own.


While some will be out of their comfort zone with ease, others find it overwhelming.


Cognitive Psychology offers us several tools to watch our thoughts. And we use one exercise with our exchange students which have a tough time adjusting to our local culture.


In times of extreme anxiety related to self-isolation and social distancing, we decided to share one of those resources with our global community, as we believe it can benefit some of you.


Start by naming the situation you are going through and the thoughts, emotions and behavior behind that.





A. Negative thought:

How much do I believe in this thought (0-100%)


B. Emotion

How intense is this emotion?


C. Behavior


Now, answer the following questions:


  1. What is the worst thing that could happen if this (thought, situation) was true?
  2. If that happened, how would I cope with it?
  3. Is there anything or someone that can help me to face this situation?
  4. What is the best thing that could happen even if the worst happened?
  5. What is the best thing which could happen if I took a chance and conquered my fears?
  6. What would I think of myself if I faced these difficulties?
  7. What are the positive results for me, for my life and my future when I find resources to deal with what threatens me?
  8. What is my goal in this situation?
  9. Does this negative thought help or hinder it?
  10. How can I think alternatively?
  11. What is the mistake of this negative thought?
  12. How could I use my emotion to my benefit?
  13. What lessons and learning can I take for my life from this experience?
  14. Re-evaluate original thoughts and emotions (from 0 to 100%)?

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