Maria is a Finnish girl with a degree in Tourism, she has already worked in United Kingdom, Australia and Trinidad and Tobago. She is currently an intern here at Brazilian Experience! This is actually Maria’s second time here in Brazil with BE. She came for the first time last year to intern at CCVB (Curitiba, Região e Litoral Convention e Visitors Bureau) and she liked Brazil so much that she decided to come back this year!
We interviewed Maria about to know more about her decision of coming back to Brazil and her expectations for this exchange. Check it out:
Be: Why did you decide to do another exchange? Why did you choose Brazil again?
Maria: I decided to do another exchange because I really felt like my time in Brazil the last time was too short. Too short to enjoy myself, too short to learn the language… everything! Back then, I would have actually stayed more time if it wasn’t for money issues and the fact that I had to return to Finland to finish my university.
Be:What do you think is the most important thing about representing your community and country abroad?
Maria: All the good things that we have in Finland (with a level of modesty). I always try to be as honest as possible when I talk about Finland. I recognize all the privileges that we have but I also always say that, I personally, don’t want to live there. Not because it’s bad, mostly because I still feel there’s another place for me in the world where I will find myself happy.
I don’t think there’s anything “more important” you have to do to represent your country. The main thing is that you are respectful of the country that you are visiting, try to keep an open mind at the same time as being yourself.
Be: What do you like the most about Brazil? What do you find curious?
Maria: I always say this and it never changes: The people! They are such warm, friendly and helpful people. I never feel unwelcomed because I speak inferior Portuguese, I am foreign etc. I never feel ulterior motives coming from a Brazilian person.
Be: What are your expecting experience this time?
Maria: A more calm and comfortable me. I’m saying this because the last time I was here, at the beginning of my stay, I was in a bad state of culture chock and didn’t really feel calm and comfortable all the time. This far I have succeeded in being calm and comfy! Feels great!
Be: What is the strangest/funniest experience you’ve had since you were here?
Maria: The strangest is probably when surprisingly many people commented that my Portuguese is pretty good. This felt strange because I always think it’s so BAD. I was also the happiest person in the world the day I found out I could start in intermediary Portuguese classes. This because I started in the Basic 1 my last time and basically jumped over a few levels and went straight to intermediary… I was so proud because it made me realize I’m not a hopeless case when it comes to learning a language.
Be: If you could tell to Finnish people one thing about Brazil, what would it be?
Maria: They should besides visiting the typical destinations, also go to Florianopolis in Brazil.
Be: What have you learned as a foreign exchange student?What are you expecting to learn this time?
Maria: I have learned that again Brazil proved to be a potential place for me to live in the future and now I’m trying to figure out ways to stay longer. I have learned other things too of course but this is the main and most important one for me.
You can check a video of Maria’s previous experience here
Tags: be, brazil, brazilian, brazilianculture, brazilianlife, brazilianportuguese, brazillian experience, culture, curitiba, differentculture, finnishabroad, finnishinbrazil, fun, gapyear, intern, interninbrazil, internship, internship abroad, internshipinbrazil, learnportuguese, portuguese, travel, travelling, wanderlust, work, workabroad, workinginbrazil