The Curitiba Transportation Card is used to store credits to pay for your bus tickets. You can charge money and it will be converted into tickets, at the same cost as if you paid without the card. There is no discount at the ticket rate, but it is a simpler option if you use the public transportation a lot, since with the card, the whole process is quicker and you don’t need to worry about money and change all the time.
You can use your bus card at all the buses from the city of Curitiba (not on the ones from the metropolitan area) and also on tube stations and bus terminals. You can check here the bus lines that accept the card.
There are two types of bus card you can use: the user (gray) and the sporadic (pink). If you want to start using the user bus card, it is necessary to register for it. The use of the card is personal and not transferable. The sporadic, which we recommend, doesn’t need any registration and it is easier to obtain. You can buy it in any of these official stores. It costs from R$3,00 to R$4,00.
For the user bus card, check the steps below:
You’ll need an identification document with photo and a proof of residence (energy or water bill, for example). They usually also require a Brazilian CPF, but if you are a foreigner, it is not mandatory.
Go to URBS office, located at Rodoferroviária (in the third building, at Av. Pres. Affonso Camargo, 330) and ask to register for the transportation card. It is open from Monday to Friday, from 12h30 am to 5 pm. Your first card is free.
To purchase the credits for the card, it is also at Rodoferroviária, but at URBS service station but on the second building – bloco central. You can also purchase it over the Internet through the website www.urbs.curitiba.pr.gov.br by accessing the link to Compra Online. Although to make the purchase online, you must have a Brazilian CPF. They also charge a small bank fee of R$2,04.
Using your Transportation Card:
When the card touches the validator, the ratchet will be automatically released and your amount of credits will be displayed on the validator. For the sporadic card, the maximum charge is of 25 bus tickets.
For the user card , you can request a daily usage limit of tickets once you can charge how much you want. The standard is a maximum of ten tickets per day. To change the limit, go to one of the Urbs offices, either at Rodoferroviária or at one of the Ruas da Cidadania. In case of loss or theft, call 156 or 3350-6300 to block the card. Go to one of Urbs offices to request a new one. There will be a fee that costs the equivalent of five bus tickets. Credits used up to 48 hours after the block request do not get reimbursed. The remaining credits will be available within 72 hours maximum.
Also, do not bend or fold your card, as this will damage its electronic components, blocking its use.
We strongly recommend the sporadic bus card for foreigners once it has no bureaucracy to obtain.
Any other doubts on the Curitiba Transportation card?
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