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Happy Halloween!

Today is celebrated Halloween or, as we say it in Brazil, “Dia das Bruxas” (Witches’ Day)!

The term Halloween comes from All Hallows’ Eve, the evening before the holiday of All Saints’ Day, which was designated by Pope Gregory III, in the eighth century. Its celebration incorporated some of the traditions of an ancient Celtic festival called Samhain, when people used to light bonfires and wear costumes to repel roaming ghosts.

In Brazil, the celebration of Halloween is very recent and comes from the influence of American culture. It can be seen mainly in occasional costume parties, usually promoted by Language schools, but there is no tradition of trick-or-treating, carving pumpkins or related activities popular in other countries.

As a response to Halloween, in 2003, it was proposed by a federal law project that October 31st could be “Dia do Saci (Saci Day)” in Brazil, a day to honor Brazilian culture and folklore. Saci is probably the best known character in Brazilian folklore. He is a one-legged black guy who smokes a pipe and wears a magical red cap that enables him to disappear and reappear wherever he wishes. In most parts of Brazil, he is considered just an annoying prankster, but some may say that he is a dangerous and malicious creature. Either way, it is known he can grant wishes to anyone who manages to trap him or steal his magic cap.

Although Saci Day didn’t become a popular holiday all over Brazil, in the state of São Paulo, a city called São Luiz do Paraitinga celebrates it big! The festivities go on for almost two weeks, with many cultural events, workshops and concerts.

Witches, vampires, zombies or Sacis, it doesn’t matter what creatures you prefer, as long as you take this day to have fun!

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