A CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física) is a Brazilian document that is required for several operations and legal proceedings. It can be issued both for Brazilians and foreigners. If, for some reason, you need a CPF, here is the proceeding on how to get one:
If you’re staying in Brazil up to 120 days, you can get your CPF for free directly at the nearest Receita Federal. You have to arrive early in the morning, like 6 a.m., and bring your original passport and a water or electricity bill of the place you’re staying at.
If you are staying in Brazil more than 120 days, follow the steps below:
1- Go to one of the following places, that offer the CPF service:
Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica Federal or Correios agencies.
2- Request a CPF application. You’ll need to have the following documents with you:
a. Passport
b. Proof of residence in Brazil (energy or water bill of the place you’re staying at, for example)
c. Declaration from your host family that you are living with them. It needs to be notarized at a Registry Office (Cartório)*. If someone from your host family is able to go with you, then they just need to have an identification document and a proof of residence on their name. In this case, the written declaration is not necessary.
*Depending on the collecting agency, this might not be requested.
** The attendant will also ask for the name of your parents, which is required on the application.
Obs: You can fill the CPF request online.
3- Once that is filled, you’ll need to pay a R$7 fee.
4- With the payment receipt and your passport, go to Receita Federal to get the document. The service at Receita Federal works by a numbered system with queue tickets, where they distribute limited tickets for the people who are going to get the service on that day. To get a note, you have to go there early in the morning, preferably before 6 a.m.
When they call your number, show them the payment receipt and your passport and they’ll print the CPF for you. * The attendant will also ask for the name of your parents to complete this information on their system.
5- That is it! You now have a CPF. You can cover it in plastic if you want to conserve it in a better state.