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Final reflection of our volunteers Danu, Krystal and Yoshi

The final reflection of our volunteers Danu, Yoshi and Krystal from Harvard and Northeastern University, was at Ilha do Mel (Honey Island), located at Paraná state coastal region. This was their final week here in Brazil and BE tried to make it a very special and memorable moment.


They came to Brazil for the Teach Abroad program through our partner World Teach. They volunteered teaching English and providing educational activities to less-fortunate kids and teenagers.


Yoshi taught in São Miguel, a traditional fisherman village in Paraná Coast, where he worked with different age groups involved in the Tourism Network of Caiçara Communities, a project of community-based tourism in the region.


Danu and Krystal, worked together at CTS – Centro de Transformação Social Vida Nova, encouraging and finding new ways of teaching English for the kids at the Center.


All of them worked very hard on their tasks. They tried to make the process of learning easier for the students and also relevant for the kids future. They were very excited at the beginning of the experience and are leaving with confidence.


During the reflexion week, the volunteers were able to think about all the work they did, tasks they accomplished and the personal growth opportunities they were exposed during the program.

It was an enriching period for them, it reflected the importance of volunteering and reminded them to keep working for their dreams! We wish the best of luck in their future!



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