Satu is a Finnish girl with degree in Tourism and a Master in Marketing who has cycling, travelling, fishing and camping as hobbies. On the beginning of the year she participated of our internship program at Curitiba Convention & Visitors Bureau.
We interviewed Satu to know more about the adventure she had here in Brazil. Check it out:
What were the main activities of your internship?
I had different tasks at my job, all related to marketing and tourism, like how to market touristic places for tourists and how to make them more attractive for them. I work with applications, website, how to Bench Market them and I also got some ideas for CCVB.
What are your impressions on Brazilians
They are very open and it is very easy to meet new people in general. This is one thing that I like and another thing is that they very friendly and very curious about foreigners here, in a positive way.
We also asked Tatiana Turra, Executive Director at CCVB, about the experience of receiving a foreigner intern and luckily we received a positive answer from her:
“On behalf of the managing council, we understand that it is a unique opportunity to receive foreigners exchange students here at a CCVB. They live different realities, sometimes different financial backgrounds, different cultures. I think that this add experiences for us and for them, we win with this exchange and the presence of them here. It is always an exchange, they come and learn with us but we also learn a lot. I learned a lot about Helsinki, Finland. It makes us want to visit these places and at the same time we observe that as a result, hopefully, they will have learned and they should always know that Curitiba will always have its doors open for them. I also like to thank Satu and Brazilian Experience!”
Check out the video with her interview here