This was a very special morning at our office. We received the visit from Maxwill Braga and Thamy Soavinsky, from Instituto Compartilhar, which leads the implementation of the Muuvit program in Brazil.
Muuvit (www.muuvit.com) is a program created in Finland that takes classes on virtual voyages through a combination of learning and exercise (points are earned by doing physical activity). By clocking up points, kids get to journey across the map of South America, learning various subjects in an interdisciplinary way. In Brazil, Instituto Compartilhar is a non-profit organization responsible to coordinate the program. The Embassy of Finland is an sponsor through the Finnish Fund for Local Cooperation.
During the next couple of weeks our exchange students from Finland will be visiting public schools in Curitiba to share a bit about their culture with the students who are participating on the Muuvit activities.
Later in the year, Instituto Compartilhar will have a very fun circuit to celebrate the adventures that are happening in 87 classes in 29 schools. Our goal is involve our exchange students which will be in Curitiba, to promote cultural exchange beyond their internships. We believe it´s an unique change for Brazilian young students to learn more about Finland.