When applying to Brazilian Experience programs –or other exchange agencies, international travel organizations and collectives, even universities-, students are asked to send not only their resume, but also a cover letter. We noticed that many of you contact us asking what exactly you should write on this cover letter, what kind of information, what kind of ideas? We understand it´s not always an easy exercise, since it often requires to reflect in an introspective way, but always keeping in mind to whom this letter is addressed to. That´s why we decided to give you some hints and tips on how to write your international exchange cover letter.
Have a look !
About the content
Be as sincere and personal as you can. You are talking about yourself, so try to make the letter actually “yours”.
Avoid being too general about your motivations and ideas. The more you connect them with your own experiences the more original and personal it would be.
Use correct, formal style. Even if you’re not applying for an actual job and even if you try to be personal and original, that does not mean that you don’t have to be correct and show that you respect the person you’re talking to.
The structure
Try to make different paragraphs to develop your ideas in a clear and structured way. Usually three or four parts are enough, especially since your letter should not be longer than one page. Here are a few ideas that can help you organize your letter:
1- Always start by introducing yourself
2- Talk about previous experiences
3- What motivates you? Why do you want to have this experience?
4- Why should you be picked among others? What makes you different? What makes you worth it?
Other general tips that you should keep in mind whenever you are writing a cover letter:
→ Always be positive, including in the writing style itself: use active forms rather than negative ones. This will show that you are a confident and determined person, both appreciated qualities by “employers”.
→ Always keep in mind the position you are applying for. Having a cover letter sample that you can recycle every time can seem like a practical thing, but mentioning your motivation and expectations while having a professional experience abroad is really important.
→ Don´t do complicated! In the end what´s important is that you present yourself and the reasons that led you to apply to this international experience clearly. Don´t try to formulate formal, complicated sentences: people could misunderstand you. Most of the times, the simple way is the best way to express an idea.
And remember BE programs are not competitive: You´re not applying for a college, a scholarship or a job placement. Relaxing and having fun when you´re writing don´t necessarily mean that you´re not taking the cover letter exercise seriously! We hope this instruction guide was useful …We´re looking forward to read all your letters! Good luck!