Thinking on making your stay in Minas Gerais safer and more pleasant, we’ve selected some important info about Patos de Minas city.
The city
Also known as the ‘Corn National Capital’, Patos de Minas is a small city with less than 150 000 inhabitants and it has one of the most famous events of corn in Brazil named Fenamilho, which happens every year during the first semester, as a cultural event. The next Fenamilho is going to happen May 2017.
Avarege Weather
Patos de Minas has a very rainy summer and a really dry winter. Below, the average temperatures of the year:
Dec/Jan/Feb – Max: 81,14ºF Min: 63,14ºF Ave: 71,6ºF
Mar/April/May – Max: 80,6ºF Min: 53,6ºF Ave: 69,6ºF
Jun/Jul/Aug – Max: 78,8ºF Min: 54,68ºF Ave: 56,77ºF
Sep/Oct/Nov – Max: 81,14ºF Min: 62,6ºF Ave:71,6ºF
HNSF – Hospital Nossa Senhora de Fátima
Address: Rua Padre Caldeira, 386 – Centro. Postal Code – 38700-044
Phone: +55 (34) 3820-1000
Taxi and Motorcycle Taxi Services
As a small town, it is common to people to take cabs for transportation or for some ordering service, due difficulties in the public transportation. Below, some taxi services selected by the city hall of Patos de Minas.
Taxi Avenida Getúlio Vargas: +55 (34) 3822-2929
Taxi Belchior: 0800-940-4334
Taxi Ponto Antiga Rodoviária: +55 (34) 3821-2400
Taxi Silvano: +55 (34) 3821-2643
Motorcycle Taxi Service
Izza Motorcycle Taxi: 0800-347070
Motorcycle Taxi Brasil: +55 (34) 3821-3939
Motorcycle Taxi Dois Irmãos: +55 (34) 3821-8866
Motorcycle Taxi Patense: 0800-347090
Motorcycle Taxi ‘Vai Com Deus’: +55 (34) 3821-9706
Rota Motorcycle Taxi: +55 (34) 3823-5050
Bars and restaurants
Bar e Restaurante na Terra
Address: Rua José de Santana, 171 – Centro. Postal code – 38703-030
Phone: +55 (34) 3814-8148
Meet Dining Club
Endereço: Rua Dr. Marcolino, 1169 – Centro. Postal code – 38700-160
Telefone: (34) 3814-0020
Uai Beer
Address: Rua Padre Almir Neves de Medeiros, 101 – Sobradinho. Postal code – 38701-118
Phone: +55 (34) 3823-7799
Places to visit:
Santo Antônio de Pádua Catedral (Catedral de Patos de Minas/Catedral Santo Antônio de Pádua)
Address: Downtown. Postal Code – 38700-101
Phone: +55 (34) 3821-2450
Mocambo Park (Parque Mocambo)
Address: Rua Elói Magalhães – Jardim Floresta. Postal code – 38703-060
Lagoa Grande
Address: Rua Doutor Ivan Clementino Santana. Postal Code 38700-354