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Internship Dress Code

Source: Wexlerevents

We know it is a challenging situation: start a new internship, in a new country, with different cultural norms than yours. Presenting yourself properly is one part of the impression you will leave in your co-workers. Check out more information on your internship dress code.


It doesn’t mind which of the internship dress code you should follow, you should always respect traces of your personality. Just a quick reminder: your attitude, your punctuality, your commitment also play a huge part in your performance in your internship and they should be your priority.


One important detail about all the internship dress codes is that it doesn’t accept wrinkles, torn and dirty clothes.



Traditional business attire


The most formal of the options of internship dress code. It is usual in more formal environments, such as banks and law companies.


Men should wear a tie, business shirt, suit, leather accessories (diaries, briefcases, shoes) and sport coats with ties and business shirts. It is recommendable that watches and colognes don’t draw too much attention. When choosing a tie, it is important that it matches your shirt. Boulder colours and patterns are acceptable in this situation.


Women should wear formal blouses and tops with skirt suits and pantsuits, always matching the jacket. Crop pants suits are allowed on daily occasions, but not for evenings. Skirts always below the knee. The blouses should fall below the waistline or be tucked in.



Source: michaelpage.com.au


Smart casual business attire


On the formality level, it is just one below the traditional business attire. This dress code allows colours and more non-matching jackets and pantsuits, for men and women.


For men: non-matching suit, matching suit (without a tie is an option), dress shoes and button-down shirts.

For women: a non-matching suit is an option with dresses, skirts (always sit at or just above the knee) and pants. Choose black or brown belts instead of coloured or white.  



Source: michaelpage.com.au


Business casual attire


It is less formal than the previous one, but it still doesn’t accept tank tops, midriff tops, sweatshirts, muscle  shirts or tops that are tight. Jeans, shorts, leggings, mini skirts or spaghetti dress are not appropriate. Athletic shoes, slippers and flip flops are not fit for this dress code type.


For men: polos, buttoned shirts, plain t-shirts with cardigans, golf type shirts and sweaters, and informal jackets and ties. Kakhis and Dokers-type pants are recommended.


For women: Collared shirts, turtlenecks, plain T-shirts or camisoles with blazers. Nice capris are acceptable. Dresses and skirts sit at or below the knees.



Source: michaelpage.com.au



Casual business attire


The less formal dress code type, which gives you more freedom, should take into account what is not appropriate: clothes you would wear to the beach, clubs, parties and sport-related activities. You should avoid clothes that have too much cleavage, that show your back, chest, stomach or underwear.


For men and women: sandals, casual shoes and athletic wear are fit to the environment. Vests, sweatshirts, sweaters, casual pants and jeans are expected, skirts and dresses are accepted for women. Regarding the shirts, they can be with collars or not, just avoid offensive sayings.



Source: Wexlerevents


Now that you already know what your internship dress code consists, it is time to pack!

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