It is always a challenge to travel to another country, especially if you are travelling alone and do not speak fluently the local language. One of the tips that we like to give, is to try to imagine events that may occur to you while you are abroad and then learn the words and expressions you would need to have a dialogue. So that is why we recommend our exchange students to learn the vocabulary of different situations people can experience during their travels.
That being said, we like to believe that no one will need to go to the Hospital, but incidents can happen and “better late than sorry”.
We already created a post with a list of the Hospitals in Curitiba and who to call in case of emergency. Check it out here.
We created a list of vocabulary of words and expressions that are useful in case you need to make an appointment or go to a Hospital here in Brazil. Check it out:
Appointment – Consulta
I’d like to schedule an appointment.
Eu gostaria de marcar uma consulta.
He needs to cancel his appointment.
Ele precisa cancelar sua consulta.
What is the appointment regarding?
A consulta é para quê?
Make an appointment – Marcar uma consulta
Check up – Consulta geral
It is time to come in for a check up.
É hora de vir fazer uma consulta geral.
Surgery – Cirurgia
He survived the surgery.
Ele sobreviveu à cirurgia.
Visiting hours – horário de visita
Visiting hours are over.
Hora de visitas acabou.
Vital signs – Sinais vitais
The doctor took his vital signs.
O doutor verificou seus sinais vitais.
To prescribe – Receitar
Can you pick up my prescription at the pharmacy?
Você pode pegar minha receita médica na farmácia?
Bed rest – Repouso
I need to bed rest.
Eu preciso de repouso.
Chronic condition – Condição crônica
I have a chronic condition – high blood pressure
Eu tenho uma condição crônica – pressão arterial elevada
Health Insurance – Plano de saúde
First-Aid – Pronto-Socorro
Doctor – Médico
GP (General Practitioner) – Clínico Geral
Specialist – Especialista
Allergist – Alergista
Cardiologist – Cardiologista
Dentist – Dentista
Dermatologist – Dermatologista
Neurologist – Neurologista
Endocrinologist – Endocrinologista
Psychiatrist – Psiquiatra
Radiologist – Radiologista
What is the problem? – Qual é o problema?
What is wrong ? – O que está errado?
Can I have a look at…? – Posso dar uma olhada em…?
Temperature – Temperatura
Pulse – Pulsação
Weight – Peso
Height – Altura
Diagnosis – Diagnóstico
Medicine – Remédio
Pill – Pílula
Painkiller – Analgésico
Symptoms – Sintomas
Headache – Dor de cabeça
I have headache.
Eu estou com dor de cabeça.
Disease – Doença
Pain – Dor
Painful – Dolorido
Toothache – Dor de dente
Stomachache – Dor de estômago
Backache – Dor nas costas
Flu – Gripe
I have the Flu.
Estou com Gripe.
Sore Throat – Dor de garganta/ Garganta inflamada
Cold – Resfriado
Fever – Febre
Cough – Tosse
Runny Nose – Coriza
Stuffy Nose – Nariz entupido/Congestionamento nasal
Swelling – Inchaço
Nausea – Náusea
Injury – Lesão/Machucado
Painful – Dolorido
Hoarse – Rouco
I sprained my wrist.
Eu torci meu pulso.
I broke my arm.
Eu quebrei meu braço.
I cut my foot.
Eu cortei meu pé.
Dizzy – Tortura
I feel dizzy.
Eu estou com tontura.