“Yes I am liking my job here at IBEG and getting to know the team has been a blast. Lots of work has already been given to me, but I am excited and eager to pursue the main objective of my position here. […] The whole program has been such a blast so far. With getting to know so many people already within the couple weeks I have been here, it almost feels like a new home for me! Everything has been so great thus far and I look forward to meeting new people coming into the program and learning more about the culture of Brazil through our meetups!”
Michael was one of our interns in 2017. He is from George Mason University in the US.
Tags: #beabroad, #exchangeabroad, #goabroad, be, brazil, brazilianculture, brazilianexperience, brazilianlife, brazilianportuguese, businessinbrazil, cultureexchange, curitiba, exchangeinbrazil, exchangestudent, experience, explore, fun, gmu, gmuinbrazil, intern, interninginbrazil, internship, internshipabroad