Since 2013 we have a partnership with Elo, an institution that creates opportunities to change teenagers’ lives through their preparation and placement for the workplace in the future. Through this cooperation some of our international students are able to be part of ELO as a volunteer or an intern and then give to the students an opportunity to cohabit with people with different habits, values and traditions while they develop interpersonal relationship, leadership skills and a bigger understanding of the intricacies of our world.
Along this year, ELO will promote debates with special themes among their students. Last month’s theme was “peace” due the World Peace Day and some of our exchange students have participated talking about their lives in their respective countries in order to encourage the respect for diversity. You can check our post about this great meeting here.
Now in February, once again BE were part of this series of debates. This month’s theme is “Energy” and we engaged them one more time to contribute with the thematic.
On last Thursday, following a talk about energy sources our exchange students Emmi from Finland, who was lived in Brazil for one year and now is currently an intern at Elo and Hannah, our first volunteer from New Zealand who has traveled over 30 countries, talked about their countries handling the Energy thematic. The Finnish Sari who is currently an intern at an association in the Education area and Ása, our first volunteer from Iceland were also present at the talk.
It was a special moment and it was really gratifying to see the curiosity about other countries in the young’s eyes. We are glad that our foreigners students are willing to make the world a better place for everybody! 😀
Check it out some photos of the event:
Tags: be, brazil, brazilianculture, brazilianexperience, brazilianportuguese, changetheworld, culture, cultureexchange, curitiba, elo, exchangestudent, experience, explore, fun, funinbrazil, gapyear, helptheothers, intercambio, internshipabroad, internshipinbrazil, learn, learnenglish, learnportuguese, portuguese, qualifying center, socialtravel, travel, travelabroad, traveltohelp, traveltolearn, volunteer, volunteerabroad, volunteerinbrazil, volunteering, volunteeringinbrazil, work, younglearners