The American Thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday on the month of November and, although we do not have Thanksgiving here in Brazil, this year we decided to do something different! We created our own Thanksgiving! Through a partnership with On The Road Business Communication Center, we organized an event where our exchange students, students from On the Road and friends could share something about their culture. It was also an opportunity where people could manifest gratitude for what they had harvest during their year, like their learning, their friends, their accomplishments, their earnings and so it goes.
During the event we also had a Caipirinha workshop where everybody could learn how to prepare this Brazilian traditional drink. It was a lot of fun! The exchange students also cooked some traditional dishes and we had many different food, like: Chicken Tikka from India, Faoul from Egypt, Pannu Kakku from Finland, Apple Caramel Crumble from the US, Brigadeiros from Brazil and many other unique dishes that we had the chance to try for the first time.
We also had an activity where everybody had an envelope with their own name and the others could write things they are grateful to this person. There was also a tree where people would write on leaf shaped paper things they are thankful for. These two exercises were a great moment of reflection to all of us and we were all very happy because everybody was committed with this occasion.
The celebration was a big lesson for us all because we learned that a moment of gratitude makes a huge difference in our attitudes towards the others and it is really important to be thankful for what he have so we will end up having more!
Check it out some photos of the event: