Last weekend our Educational Center partner, the NGO Solar Meninos de Luz, a civil and philanthropic that promotes full-time formal and complementary education, culture, sports and basic health care in the Pavão-Pavãozinho and Cantagalo community in Rio welcomed two new volunteers.
Nattida is a Thai girl graduated in English Language Studies in the UK. She decided to be a volunteer because she wants to develop experience and further understanding of Child care organisation and she even has even experienced working with children when she was in high school including teaching. She likes to learn new languages and to get to know new cultures, so this will be a really interesting experience for her.
Mimmi is a Swedish girl who has a degree in Economics. She decided to be a volunteer because she likes to work with kids, due to the fact that children make her smile and she believe she can bring happiness to children, she also has already worked with children in the past. Football is one of Mimmi’s biggest passions, she plays it almost every day and she is willing to teach some sports to the children. She is happy to get to show a little bit of Sweden to Brazil and we are sure that she will have an unique experience here.
Tags: animals, be, brazil, brazilianculture, brazilianexperience, brazilianportuguese, culture, cultureexchange, curitiba, exchangestudent, exchangestudent homestay, experience, explore, florianopolis, fun, funinbrazil, gapyear, highschoolabroad, highschoolinbrazil, hostfamily, ig_brasil, intercambio, internshipabroad, internshipinbrazil, jaguar, learn, learnportuguese, macaw, monkeys, parrots, portuguese, rio, socialtravel, travel, travelabroad, traveltohelp, traveltolearn, volunteer, volunteerabroad, volunteerinbrazil, volunteering, volunteeringinbrazil, wildlife, wildlifevolunteering, work