The Icelandic Ása is our first volunteer from Iceland here in Curitiba! She lived in a city with only 2.500 habitants and here in Brazil she is living in a city with almost 2 million people. She has been away from home since 7 years ago and has traveled a couple of times to the United States and through Europe but this is her first time in South America. She will be a volunteer at a children care house that works as a temporary home for children who have been legally separated from abusive parents.
Check it out to get to know more about Ása:
Be: Why did you choose to come to Brazil for an exchange program?
I decided to travel to South America and wanted to combine it with volunteering. I really liked the programs Brazil had to offer and I’ve always wanted to come to this country so I chose Brazil.
Be: What is the main reason you choose to go on exchange?
I’ve always wanted to travel abroad and do something that benefits both me and others – and now was definitely the right time for me personally so I jumped at the opportunity. I love working with children so that’s why I chose this particular program.
Be: What are your goals with this experience? If we met at the end of your stay, which achievements would you like to tell your friends you had.
Personal growth, to meet some new and interesting people, experience the Brazilian culture and hopefully learn a new language.
Be: How do you feel today that you are starting this experience?
I’m excited and happy to be here. I’m a bit worried I won’t be of as much help as I’d like to be because of the language barrier but still hopeful that this experience will be benefitting to both parties.
Tags: be, brazil, brazilianculture, brazilianexperience, brazilianportuguese, changetheworld, childrencarehouse, culture, cultureexchange, curitiba, exchangestudent, experience, explore, fun, funinbrazil, gapyear, helptheothers, intercambio, learnportuguese, portuguese, socialtravel, travel, travelabroad, traveltohelp, traveltolearn, volunteer, volunteerabroad, volunteerinbrazil, volunteering, volunteeringinbrazil, volunteerwithchildren, work