Jose Mizael Rivera Valencia is a Mexican student of Industrial Engineering at Texas Tech University in the USA, country that he has been living since he was a child. The student considers himself an independent person who works towards achieving his goals in life. Here in Brazil he will do an internship at Perfilados Belém, a company based in Curitiba that works with metallurgic products and metal plates.
We met Jose to know more about his first impressions about Brazil. Here you can check our interview with him:
Be: Why did you choose to come to Brazil for an exchange program?
It looked really interesting and affordable. Also, I wanted to learn a lot about the Brazilians.
Be: What is the main reason you choose to go on exchange?
Something new, also I want to experience the most cultures I can.
Be: What are your goals with this experience? If we met at the end of your stay, which achievements would you like to tell your friends you had.
Learn basic Portuguese, learn about the industrial optimization here in Brazil. Meet a lot of new friends.
Be: How do you feel today that you are starting this experience? Can you describe your feelings?
Really excited, and scared of getting lost! But really really excited and motivated about Curitiba and my internship;