Niina is a Finnish student of Landscape Architecture who is looking forward to contribute with good ideas to improve the design and organization of Curitiba. She will be an intern at Vertrag, a company of urban planning that works developing studies, projects and plans for the urban and natural environments.
Check it out to know more about Niina and her expectations about her exchange program:
Be: Why did you choose to come to Brazil for an exchange program?
I was in China doing exchange studies and I started to think that I want to live somewhere else in the world also, instead of going back to Finland. Brazil seemed really interesting option after China. I had heard so much positive things about Brazil and its people.
Be: What is the main reason you choose to go on exchange?
I wanted to have more experience living abroad and different culture, work-culture and daily life as well. During my exchange studies in China I realized that the best way to learn from different culture is to live like a local, not like tourist.
Be: What are your goals with this experience? If we met at the end of your stay, which achievements would you like to tell your friends you had.
I want to learn about Brazilian culture. I want to learn little Portuguese. I want to make new friends. In my work, I want to learn what are the challenges in urban planning in Curitiba and be part of the planning team to come up with good solutions to the city.
Be: How do you feel today that you are starting this experience?
I feel really excited and motivated. I’m waiting for tomorrow so I get to see and meet the people that I’m going to work with.
Tags: archicturestudent, be, brazilianexperience, brazilianportuguese, curitiba, Finland, finnishinbrazil, foreignersinbrazil, forignersincuritiba, internship, internshipabroad, internshipinbrazil, lanscapetudent, learnabroad, portuguese, studyabroad, travelabroad, traveltolearn, wanderlust, worldcitizen