Teaching abroad is a great opportunity for those who want to have a cross-cultural experience while teaching their native language in a different country. Whether you plan or not to pursue a career in education, teaching your native idiom and different forms of expression is a great way to be in touch with another culture, to develop your creativity, communication skills, independence, and at the same time helping others. When you teach abroad you have the chance to learn another language and make a positive impact for others that will forever be a stamp not only in your passport but a personal marker of the changes you have created.
By teaching in Brazil you will be immersed in a different culture and surrounded by people who speak Portuguese daily. Also, teaching allows you to be in touch with native students and it is an activity that requires foreigners to constantly communicate and opens the doors to bond with others. Moreover, Brazilians are very welcoming and interested in sharing customs, traditions, and willing to help foreigners to learn Portuguese.
This commitment will be more than just another work experience on your resume. A teaching abroad experience demonstrates independence, the ability to adjust, have an open mind, foster international connections, creativity and new perspectives.
The program fits well for those interested in philanthropy and making a difference in other people’s lives.
Within the globalized and competitive world, the knowledge of a second language is becoming more and more of a necessity. Brazilians consider very important to have a broad worldview and to speak a foreign language, especially English and Spanish. Students tend to have a genuine desire to learn the language and are interested in getting to know more about your country and customs.
Furthermore, like any other exchange program teaching abroad allows you to travel, make new friends, see different places, discover new things about yourself, and most importantly embrace the journey of the commitment you are about to delve on as a student of life. All these experiences will be an opportunity for you to grow as a person, learn different things and develop skills that you never knew you had.
Brazilian Experience offers you an opportunity for teaching at-risk youth ranging from elementary school to high-school, contributing to their development. For more information about this opportunity click here.
Get in touch with us today to live this amazing experience!
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