Internet slangs (Gírias na internet) are commonly used by people in a daily life on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp etc.
Words in Portuguese tend to have a lot of vowels so Brazilians try to simplify it by cutting the vowels and leaving only the consonants on them when texting or writing something on the internet. So if you see a word only with consonants when reading something in this language, there are high chances of it being a slang.
We gathered a list of the most used internet/texting slangs. Check it out:
9dade (novidade) = news
example: e aí, alguma 9dade?
What’s up, do you have any news?
blz (beleza) = ok or fine
-Te encontro as 7
– blz
– Meet you at 7
– Ok
example 2:
– Beleza?
– Beleza!
– Fine?
– Fine!
bj or bjo (beijo) = kiss (it is common to say “bj” when saying goodbye to a friend or to a beloved one)
bjoks (beijocas) = little kisses (it is common to say “beijokas” when saying goodbye to a friend or to a beloved one)
example: Tchau, bjo!
Bye, xoxo!
vc or cê (você) = you (singular)
example: você vem?
Are you coming?
pq (porque, por que, por quê, porquê) = why or because
example: pq n?
Why not?
n or ñ (não) = no
example: eu n quero
I don’t want
oq (o que or o quê) = what?
example: oq vc vai fazer esse final de semana?
do you have any plans for this weekend?
q (que) = that or what (it depends of the sentence)
example: ele disse q virá
He said that he’s coming
qdo (quando) = when
example: qdo vc virá?
When are you coimg?
Kd (cadê) = where
example: kd vc?
where are you?
ctz (com certeza or certeza) = sure
example: vc tem ctz?
Are you sure?
hj (hoje) = today
zapzap = slang for the app “Whatsapp”
uau! = wow!
Brazilians can be very creative when it comes to laughing on internet. We go further than “haha”, “lol” or “lmao”. Below you can check some of the most used laugh expressions among Brazilians on the internet:
-rs (less intense than “HAHAHA” or “KKK”)
There is a joke that says that to laugh on the internet like a Brazilian, all you need to do is to punch the keyboard. We must say that this is somewhat accurate! kkkk