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“What you appreciate, appreciates”

Physical distancing, so much has changed in the past weeks. In this period when we try to rest in the absence of answers and the inability to make plans, we have a recommendation for you: focus on the positive!

Post appreciate editedYes, I know, it would be great to be able to meet friends and do more things outdoors… Still, I’m sure you have many reasons to celebrate.

Happiness studies have proved that keeping a gratitude journal can increase your levels of happiness.


During those days of Physical distancing, I choose to celebrate having learned how to make falafel, babaganoush, for having participated in virtual birthdays, having lunch online with my family on Sunday and sewing my first mask! 🙂


How many lessons will Covid-19 teach us? Instead of asking WHY, substitute it FOR WHAT. For what reason are we facing this same challenge all over the world? 


Every time an unpleasant feeling pops up in my mind, I think “Breath! Everything is new, it’s okay not to be okay.”

That´s self-compassion.


Celebrate frequent contact with family and friends to share how you have been and to find out how they are doing. Be grateful for experiencing new ways to connect and care for others.


Think of those on the front line, health professionals, those responsible for cleaning hospitals, selling food and medicines to all of us. Practice compassion for others, all those in service, worldwide.


I truly think the planet has found a way to heal itself. To heal us. It’s telling us “go back to your room and be quiet”. 


Through this urgent invitation to introspection, now we have time to stay at home, clean the wardrobes… And while we clean outside, we review our values and get rid of excesses. What is essential?


Remember that you are part of a minority. Try to help those who need the most. Through a donation, a word of encouragement, an incentive. A little hope.

Like everything in life, this will also pass. But don´t let it pass without making sure to take this chance to become a better person!



Rafaela Rolim

Brazilian Experience’s CEO.

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