Curitiba has a well famous planned and integrated transportation system, which includes dedicated lanes on major streets for a bus rapid transit system. Curitiba was the first city in the world to include the essential elements necessary for a bus rapid transit system to function effectively. Here you can check a few tips and information about Curitiba’s bus system:
Types of buses:
1) Blue (Expresso Ligeirão)
- Super Express bus – only available in few selected areas, rides in exclusive bus lane.
- Only stops at major terminals, bypassing all other stops.
2) Red (Expresso)
- Express bus – this is the easiest bus to get around to main areas, also rides in exclusive bus lane (Connects: east/west, north/south)
- Stops at major terminals and bus tubes on the street.
3) Orange (Alimentador)
- Feeder bus – connects local neighborhoods with its nearest terminal.
- Stops at ground bus stops along its rout.
4) Grey (Linha Direta)
- Speedy bus – has specific routs from one side of the city to the other.
- Only stops at terminals and select tubes, around each 3 km.
5) Green (Interbairros)
- Interborrough bus – Goes around and connects the neighborhoods without going into the city center.
- Stops at ground bus stops along its rout.
6) Yellow (Alimentador – Conventional/ Troncal)
- Feeder bus – connects the neighborhoods with the city center
- Conventional does NOT stop at a terminal.
- Troncal leaves from a terminal.
- Stops at many ground bus stops throughout its respective neighborhoods.
1) The name on the bus tells you what rout the bus will take, it will tell you its start and end points. (ex. Tamandaré/ Cabral, Barreirinha/ São José, Santa Cândida/ Capão Raso)
- You can then reference the map provided to see where exactly the rout it/ takes you.
- For lines that are harder to see on the hardcopy of the map, you can just zoom in on the electronic copy to see it more clearly.
2) It is free to transfer buses at terminals, or bus tubes that may apply to your rout; otherwise you will have to pay another fair.
3) Although the main bus lines stop around 12:30 -1:00, there are still some Alimentador (orange/yellow) that run all night.
– You will have to check the bus schedule on the website to see when those buses depart.
– Late night schedule ONLY tells you when it will leave, not what time it will arrive at stops along its rout.
4) Check how to use the bus card on this post.
Looking for bus itineraries
https://www.google.com.br/maps/preview (you can type the address you are and where you plan to go and Google maps will suggest you the bus options and routes)
Tags: adventure, be, brazil, brazilianexperience, bus, bussystem, curitiba, exchangestudent, experience, onibus, parana