Annika is very enthusiastic and positive about the experience she is going to have in Brazil. She has shared her expectations about the exchange with us, check it out:
“I’m very excited and curious about what’s coming, head full of thoughts, and heart filled with joy! There are still some questions about what kind of work tasks I will have, and looking forward that everything will be sorted out getting started!
Having an international work experience and developing myself professionally in a more diverse way is something I’m very excited about”.
Annika is going to work in Gente de Bem, a project for educators with the sponsorship of the Finnish Embassy. It´s a Postgraduate course called Integral Transforming Education, combining personal and professional development.
“The interniship description was the most interesting and inspiring one. I have also been interested in coming to Brazil for a longer time. Hearing about the opportunity to do an internship at Gente de Bem and getting work experience from an NGO was something I was hoping for.
I’m hoping to develop myself professionally, share from my experiences and things I’ve learned, and making new friendships! And of course getting to know Brazil and it’s culture. :)”
Annika, we hope you have the best experience as possible and count on us with whatever you need!