Our Director Rafaela Rolim recently visited TTU, located in Lubbock, TX. She was invited to participate on the Dean’s Council meeting. She was the first international visitor ever invited to participate of this event!
The Dean’s Council aims to help the Dean with strategic planning, external relations, and enhancing the college’s educational and research mission. The Council brings together alumni and friends of the college in key leadership positions. Ms. Rolim was invited to present the successful experiences of TTU interns in Brazil and the goals of our cooperation for the upcoming years.
During her stay, Ms. Rolim was able to meet with important figures from the university, among them, Dean Sacco, a former NASA astronaut which nowadays is responsible for the Edward E. Whitacre Jr. College of Engineering, Ms. Elizabeth Mcdaniel, the director of Office of International Affairs and the “diplomats”, students who advise other students about Study Abroad programs.
During her stay, she was also able to meet the Study Abroad team and the counselors of all the engineering departments. She also got to know Sahir, a talented student who enrolled in our program right after this encounter. He will be our first student from Bangladesh, and we are very happy about it!
It was a busy week with a lot of meetings, including the reunion of many of the TTU students who came to intern in Brazil those past two years. This trip was not only a big honor but also a great pleasure, by being recognized for our work and effort. We are grateful and celebrate the opportunity of meeting such amazing people and being able to increase the impact of a work we do with love!
Tags: be, brazil, brazilianculture, brazilianexperience, brazilianlife, brazilianportuguese, businessinbrazil, changetheworld, culture, cultureexchange, curitiba, internabroad, interninbrazil, internship, internshipabroad, internshipinbrazil, internsinbrazil, learnportuguese, lifeinbrazil, livinginbrazil, portuguese, work