Denice is a Finnish girl that grew up in an island of 30.000 habitants between Finland and Sweden. She has studied Practical Nurses and has been working with Homecare for several years. Her decision of doing a volunteer abroad happened because she likes to work with children and she believes that she can make them happy and they can make her happy as well!
She stayed 8 weeks here in Brazil and joined two different projects in Rio de Janeiro where she was taking care of kids by playing, feeding and sharing her culture with them.
After finishing this experience Denice concluded that the highlight of her adventure was to meet all the kids and friends, she also really enjoyed her host family. She told us that now she is more calm, got a freedom in herself and feels like Brazil is home for her.
We’re glad she had an amazing time here in Brazil and we are happy to be part of this amazing journey in her life!
Tags: be, brazil, brazilianculture, brazilianexperience, brazilianportuguese, culture, curitiba, exchangestudent, exchangestudent homestay, experience, explore, gapyear, hostfamily, internship, internshipabroad, internshipinbrazil, learnportuguese, marketing, portuguese, travel, travelabroad, traveltobrazil, workabroad, workinbrazil