Last week our director Rafaela Rolim and Mr. Spoth, the Executive Associate Dean for International Programs at Texas Tech University, traveled to Minas Gerais to visit some of the cities and institutions where students from TTU are located through our internship program. André, our local coordinator in the state, joined them on those visits.
They visited EMFAL – a factory that produces alcohol products, the Federal University of São João del Rei (UFSJ) and the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), in the cities of Betim, São João del Rei and Lavras, where we have Chemical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering students.
It was a busy week with several meetings with TTU students, their supervisors and also gatherings with their host families and colleagues to celebrate the success of their experiences. For us those visits are really important to meet the responsible personnel in each institution, check the student’s work environment and the tasks they are involved.
George could also see a little bit of the beautiful state of Minas Gerais, famous for its historical cities, rich gastronomy and hospitable people. We wish those partnerships can only bring more successful stories through the upcoming years.